Product yield coefficient

The product yield coefficient, Yi/s in eq. ( 9), is the product. formed per mass of substrate consumed only for the con- version (1 I), Therefore, if the cell mass and the product are formed.

How do you calculate the yield coefficient?

number of oxygen molecules per mole of substrate consumed is known, the growth yield coefficient, Yxs can easily be calculated. Consider the aerobic catabolism of glucose. The total number of available electrons in 1 mole of glucose is 24. The cellular yield per available electron is Yxs = 24(3.14) = 76 gdw cells/mol.

What are yield coefficients?

Yield coefficient, being ratio of mass of microorganisms to mass of substrate . The ratio of the amount of biomass produced to the amount of substrate consumed (g biomass/g substrate) is defined as the yield coefficient.

What does the yield coefficient YP S represent?

Combining Equation 7.10 and Equation 7.11 further results in a yield coefficient, Yp/x, which relates the product formed directly to the cells produced (Equation 7.12). Relationships between product formation and other variables are complex and generally cannot be reduced to such simple direct proportionality.

What is biomass yield coefficient?

Biomass yield (Yx/s) is a stoichiometric coefficient that characterizes a particular microbial strain's growth efficiency. It can indicate how much biomass can be grown per amount of carbon or substrate energy consumed.

What is product yield meaning?

Product yield can be defined as the amount of product remaining after processing. … Any process that reduces the total weight of your product from it's original weight is what is considered in your weight loss percentage or percentage yield of your food product.

How do you find the yield of a finished product?

Get your yield percentage by converting the edible product weight into a percentage. The formula is EP weight ÷ AP weight × 100 = yield %.

What is product yield with respect to substrate?

Biomass Yield (Y) The ratio of the amount of biomass produced to the amount of substrate consumed (g biomass/g substrate) is defined as the biomass yield, and typically is defined relative to the electron donor used.

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